The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Annual General Meeting - Members Only
Friday 16th June 2023
18:00 BST, Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2a Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF
Annual General Meeting (Members Only).
- To note any apologies for absence
- To approve and adopt the Minutes of the 70th Annual General Meeting of the Society held on Thursday 7 July 2022
- To receive the Trustees' Annual Report prepared by the Executive Committee
- To receive the Accounts and the report of the Treasurer for the year ended 31 December 2022
- To elect the Officers of the Society
- To elect the Other Trustees
Note: The AGM is listed on Eventbrite as a private meeting and so is not searchable. A direct link to register for the meeting is provided below.
Please reserve your place for the AGM using the link below:
The AGM will be followed by a public lecture at 19:00 BST, Reflections of the Meaning(s) of Water: Historical Identity in the Abbay and Awash given by James McCann.
If you wish to attend this lecture as well then you must book for it separately.