The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Festival - Ethiopian Literature Festival
Saturday 2nd February 2019
3.00pm - 10:00pm, Coffee Afrique, Pembury Centre, Atkins Square, 1 Dalston Lane, London E8 1FA.
The Anglo-Ethiopian Society is co-hosting with the Ethiopian Community in Great Britain and with the Ethiopian Association of Students & Youth in the UK (EASYUK) this first Ethiopian Literature Festival in the UK.
The keynote speech will be given by Aida Edemariam, author of The Wife's Tale and columnist at The Guardian.
There will also be a panel discussion with prominent authors and poets from the Ethiopian community followed by a Q&A session.
Short presentations will be given on the history of Ethiopian literature and a look at noted literature giants from Ethiopia who have spent time or studied in London.
Workshops will cover the topics of creative writing, poetry and qine, academic writing, and the art of translation.
Special readings and activities for children will be arranged.
There will be book sales and book signings.
Please register for a ticket on Eventbrite: