The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Ethiopian Study Visit - An Evening at the British Library: The History and Iconography of Or. 481
Jacopo Gnisci
Tuesday 6th May 2014
5:30pm, British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB - booking essential
Ilana Tahan, Lead Curator of Hebrew and Christian Orient Studies, and of Asian and African Studies at The British Library, has kindly agreed to host a study visit to examine the history and the iconography of one of their manuscripts: Or. 481.
Or. 481 is a lavishly illustrated seventeenth-century manuscript. The themes which decorate this work come from both the Old and the New Testament. Interestingly, these replicate the style and iconography of an earlier Ethiopian manuscript, probably dating to the late fourteenth or early fifteenth century. News File editor Jacopo Gnisci will be giving a talk on the history and iconography of this unusual manuscript.
There is no charge for the visit, but please note that booking is essential and that attendance is limited to 15 persons. To book, or for further information, please email the organisers or phone 0771 721 0470.