The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Lecture - Evaluation of Community-Based Newborn Care in Ethiopia
Dr Bilal Avan & Dr Della Berhanu
Monday 15th October 2018
12:30 - 13:30, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT
Free and open to all
At the request of the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health the IDEAS project undertook an evaluation of the Community Based Newborn Care programme, which aims to capacitate front-line health workers to identify and treat newborns with signs of possible severe bacterial infections. The national level evaluation of CBNC employing mix-method is carried out between 2013 - 2018.
Dr Bilal Avan led the evaluation of the CBNC programme (IDEAS Phase 1 Scientific Coordinator), along with Dr Della Berhanu (IDEAS Phase 1 Country Coordinator). Dr Avan is a clinical epidemiologist based at the International Centre for Evidence in Disability - LSHTM, with a professional interest in child health and development and health system research in lower- and middle-income countries. Dr Berhanu is currently a core member of the Dagu and ORCA project teams, and is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Admission free and open to all - Contact Noreen Seyerl