The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Lecture - Cine-Ethiopia
Mike Thomas
Tuesday 23rd July 2019
7:00pm, Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2a Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF - Public lecture (all welcome)
As part of his PhD research Mike Thomas analysed the trends and themes in Ethiopian (Amharic) cinema. In this talk on popular cinema in Ethiopia he will present some of his findings on the different genres - such as yefiker film (love films) and asekign yefiker film (humorous love films) - in Ethiopian cinema today and why they are so prolific. His talk will include clips from key films which may offer an overview of the types of films being popularly consumed in Ethiopia since the industry took off in the early 2000s.
Dr Thomas is a co-editor of Cine-Ethiopia: The History and Politics of Film in the Horn of Africa.
Doors will open at 6:00pm with complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits available. Capacity at the venue is limited, so please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.